Bacto Elixier FB7 250ml


Bacto Elixier FB7 BiActive is a highly active, concentrated mixture of selected living cleaning bacteria.

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Bacto Elixier FB7 BiActive is a highly active, concentrated mixture of selected living cleaning bacteria. They set to work degrading harmful substances immediately on entering the aquarium water. Efficient nitrifying bacteria remove dangerous ammonia and nitrite. Sludge-degrading bacteria reduce the organic sludge on the aquarium bed and in the filter with the aid of hydrolytic enzymes. Other types of bacteria bred specifically for aquaria feed on plant and food residues, fish excrement and organic suspended matter. Bacto Elixier FB7 boosts the self-cleaning capacities of all fresh water aquaria on a lasting basis. The optimised water conditions reduce stress. The fishes’ well-being is enhanced in a healthy environment. The water remains clearer.A new aquarium or fresh filter material are virtually sterile. Without active assistance, it may take many weeks for a stable bacterial fauna to develop. Substances which are toxic to fish, such as ammonia and nitrate may accumulate and pose a danger to life in the aquarium. Only an extremely minimal level of bacteria is permissible in tap water for human consumption – which is why it is chlorinated by the waterworks. Aquarium fish need water which is “alive”, however.


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