Perfect Plans S7 VitalMix 250ml


 Perfect Plant S7 VitaMix is a special concentrate that provides fish and plants with all those important vitamins, trace elements and other vital substances that need to be topped up frequently.

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Perfect Plant S7 VitaMix is a special concentrate that provides fish and plants with all those important vitamins, trace elements and other vital substances that need to be topped up frequently. In nature, vitamins, plant enzymes and other active organic substances are produced constantly, with the help of natural sunlight. These vital substances improve the health of fish and enhance their splendid colourings, while at the same time promoting the growth of aquarium plants. An aquarium has no natural sources of vitamins. Any vitamins that are present remain stable for only a short time, or are used up very quickly. This makes it all the more important to supplement these vital substances on a regular basis.Effect on fish:S7 VitaMix incorportaes protective colloids to strengthen the mucuos membrane – a fishs most important barrier to protect from pathogens. Dexpanthenol promotes the regeneration of minor injuries. A special immune stimulator strengthens the fishs defences. The balanced vitamin B complex has a harmonising effect and reduces stress. S7 VitaMix thus establishes an optimum basis to rpovide fish with a long, healthy life and brilliant colours. Also ideal as a supporting measure and after illnesses, to counter stress or as a means of helping new fish to acclimatise.Effect on plants:


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